Ok, I
absolutely adore Lileks.com (especially the
Gallery of Regrettable Food, which leaves me in physical pain from laughing so hard) -- but I found this on the site today and I was laughing like a hyena.

Which became even more funny when we saw a
commercial for this lovely item -- The Presto, an email
printer that "doesn't need an internet connection" and is "simpler than a computer" for your obviously senile relatives who can't figure out Outlook.
We're worried that Grandma and Grandpa can't learn to use the computer?
Just look at this page. I dare you not to laugh. I double-dog dare you!
Yes - our grandmas and great-grandmas followed those crochet instructions without a hitch. Yay, Grandmas!!
Nice! I thought the email printer was a joke too... until I clicked the link. Wow.
We're thinking about you guys in the Denver area, who have apparently decided to take all the snow for North America this year!
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