It is amazingly cool. Apple has definitely clicked with the consumer on design. The iPhone, like the iPods and other apple gadgets is sexy. Smooth and rounded and comfortable and just a joy to hold.
And the iPhone? Live maps, watch videos, get email -- it's absolutely cool. We're heading to San Francisco today, and having the turn-by-turn maps available in an instant is going to be a huge help!
Now I want one. I have absolutely no need for one at all, really, but I waaaant one.
I noticed that he sent an e-mail from his iphone to Mom Thursday!! There was a note on the bottom of the e-mail about it being from an iphone. Oooooooooo! I've seen Rick's and ooooooo do John and I get all drooly just being in the same room as his iphone. Way cool!
Really the drooliness happens whenever I am in the room, but go ahead, say it's the iPhone if that makes you feel better.
Way to go Mark! Have you discovered the coin flip web app yet? (www.sitography.com/iphone/iflip) Definitely the most compelling reason to have an iPhone - Hours of fun!!
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